Just about the only significant dealings in construction collaboration vendor Asite shares these days appear to involve the company’s directors. Less than a fortnight after a couple of non-executive directors bought shares, yesterday it was announced that MD Tony Ryan and COO Nathan Doughty had increased their shareholdings.
- Tony purchased 146,260 shares at an average price of 2.00 pence, and now holds 588,416 shares, or approximately 0.57% per cent of the company’s issued ordinary share capital.
- Nathan bought 112,709 shares at an average price of 2.20 pence, and now holds 558,871 or approximately 0.54%.
Update (1300hrs BST): I had reason to speak to Nathan on an unrelated matter earlier today, and he hold me that there were other deals not involving Asite directors. I’m sure he’s correct, but they can’t be significant deals reported through the London Stock Exchange (my only public source of information). The only 200,000+ share trades (ie: still only c. £4k deals) so far this year have, I think, all involved him or fellow Asite directors.
The post More Asite director share buys appeared first on Extranet Evolution.